Monday, June 30, 2014

Tips to Maintain Healthy Eyes in front of the Monitor

            If you include people who work at a computer all day, of course you will be exposed to radiation emitted into the monitor so that your eyes feel sore.Many experts created computer equipment with environmentally friendly that eye health are maintained.
            Even so, if we still too long in front of computers can affect health. One of these eyes becomes tired, back pain, shoulder and neck. Therefore, I will provide a solution.
1. Work indoors with sufficient light.
2. Use the monitor with filters glass monitor
3. Check your monitor. If the picture is blurry and flickering should not be used.
4. Put your paperwork so easy to read.
5. Use the font size is large enough.
6. Rest your eyes for 30 minutes
7. Examine your glasses or contact lens.
            I hope my post will be useful for readers.

Juvenile delinquency

Juvenile delinquency in the modern era has exceeded reasonable limits. Many minors who are familiar with smoking, drugs, free-sex, and involved of many other criminal acts. This fact can no longer be denied, you can see the brutality of today's teens. This all happened because of juvenile delinquency factors follows:

- Lack of parental affection.

- Lack of supervision from parents.

- Relationships with friends who are not peers.

- The role of science and technology developments that have a negative impact.

- The absence of guidance from the school's personality.

- The basics of the religion which is less

- Lack of talent and hobby media channel

- Excessive of freedom

- Problems unresolved

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Knowing a personality women by collection of toys

As a young woman definitely have a favorite toy or figure collection. In fact, to adulthood, married, and have children, not a few women who still keep their neat toys and collectibles.

You know, collectibles and toys can show your personality and style dating women? Here are some toys and a picture of a woman's personality.

Woman who loves Teddy Bears includes woman who looks at everything in consideration of conservative and humble enough. To date, they are better suited to spend time outdoors, such as a walk in the park and other fun activities. These women also tend to be dominant in the relationship, even exceeding mother pairs.

Mickey or Mini Mouse, Bambi, Donald Duck is a character-store animals are very well known. If she still liked the classic character, tend to have personality sentimental and sensitive feelings. In dating couples tend to expect to have a romantic and always try to create a romantic atmosphere anyway.

Cartoon characters such as kero-keropi sanrio, hello kitty are so adorable. Up to now many products for adults who have the cartoon character ornaments. If until now the room is still decorated this adorable cartoon character, it means that these women, including those who are very "girly" and a bit childish. Usually men really like this type of woman.

The Activities that can destructive Brain

There are some activities that we are doing it can damage our organs such as the brain very vitals. There are five activities that can damage our brains work such as, did not want breakfast, do not eat in the morning cause a drop in blood sugar levels. This resulted in a lack of nutrient inputs to the brain which eventually ended in the decline of the brain. Too much food will also harden the vessels of the brain that usually leads us to decrease mental strength. Then, sleeping with the head covered is a bad habit that is very dangerous because of the carbon dioxide produced during sleep the brain is concentrated so polluted. Do not be surprised if over time the brain becomes damaged. Next, working hard or studying when the condition of the body is not fit also exacerbates the ineffectiveness of the brain. And the last, too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients that the body's nutritional deficiencies and impaired brain development.

Left Hand

Left is habits we are always (more often) use the left hand to do the work, rich writing, eating, or hold something. According to The Left-hand Club, and organization of left-handed people never consider that left-handed it is a disorder, but on the contrary, they said it was cool. Because of the predominantly right-brain, left-handed people so much more creative than the people who used to use the right hand. The left brain functions regulate matters relating to logic, while the right brain regulates things like abstract art, language, music, and emotion. That is why left-handed people are usually good at drawing. So, do not be surprised if a lot of musicians, painters, actors, and artists are left-handed.

What causes it? It could be due to environmental factors, if a child is accustomed to use his left hand from small, or it could be due to genetic factors. If in a family there are left-handed, there may be other family members who will be left-handed as well. For example, his son or his nephew.

Bad of Drinking Sweet Orange after Eating Meatballs

Drinking iced sweet orange (using sugar) together with eating meatballs is delicious, but it will not help neutralize fat in the sauce and meatballs you well, it would only accelerate the process of an increase in fat deposits in the body.

The explanation: The nature of the cold ice will freeze the fats we eat so that the bond will be stronger (difficult to disentangle). While the sugar will add fat deposits because, sucrose on sugar in the blood will be broken down into glucose. Glucose that is not used up as energy just be dumped under a layer of the fat meat and skin. So you should drink orange juice in warm and do not use sugar.

Efforts to eliminate hot or spicy taste in your mouth

Efforts to eliminate hot or spicy taste in your mouth after eating chili with a drink of cold water or ice will add a spicy flavor more sharply. Conversely, if you drink warm water will reduce the spicy taste. But when drinking cold water and next with hot water, it will confuse your mouth.

Cold water only to give the effect of good taste spicy flavor just a while but still there when the cold is lost, the effect will be sharper that caused spicy taste comparison between the cold water with hot chili spicy is too far away. If you drink warm water, beside comparisons flavor that is not too far away, the warm water also stimulates nerve endings to send messages to the central nervous system the brain and stimulates the brain to tell your body that secrete substances are analgesics or pain relievers naturally. So the spicy flavor will reduce.

A Thing Must be Understood in Driving

There is a daily occurrence around you who may not understand or may have been misunderstood, especially when driving. I tried to help you a bit to understand what, why and how it could happen:

1. Careless driving at the time for 1 second in the speed of 40 km / h was the same as you have a distance of 11 meters without awareness. Imagine if at the time you drive your vehicle with the distance between the vehicle in front is 10 meters, then lax in 1 second can result in you crashing the vehicle in front of you. Cause inadvertence includes drowsiness, daydreaming, mobile phone calls, or listen to music while driving.

Why The Bull hates Red Color?

People are often reminded to be careful when adjacent to a bull if wearing a red shirt. Is the color red really making bulls angry? In fact, the bull can’t see perfectly, because the partial blindness.

What causes a bull is disturbed, because of someone waving a cloth directly in front of his face. Views on the subject of color are deceptive. In the view of the human eye has rods that are sensitive to light, but does not provide information about the color. But the bulls got, and work well in dim light or darkness.

The cause of the bull did not like the red fabric itself because the bull actually didn't like the fabric was waving, not the color of the fabric itself. The bull had a disease that causes partial blind bull can‘t see the color / color blind. But because the matador is already commonplace since the first use of red cloth as a tool for action against the bull, so we consider the red color is what makes the raging bull

Different Future Plans with your partner

During the late school years, teens begin to think about their futures, planning for college and careers. This becomes a problem for teen love when the couple don’t have similar plans. If one is going to college in another state, and the other is staying home, there may be problems.

    Although this is not a problem in some relationships, teen love may suffer if there are other differences in the future plans of the couple. If one is planning on moving out of state permanently, joining the armed forces, or even traveling for a while, the other half of the couple might feel left behind. Many teens who are graduating and leaving home also want the freedom to explore new experiences, without needing to check back with a boyfriend or girlfriend at home.

Hormones among Teenagers

    The teenage years are the first time people experience lust, and all of the confusing feelings that go with it. One of the biggest problems with teen love are all of the changes taking place in a teen's body, combined with conflicting views from friends, family and the media about the physical side of teen relationships. There are a lot of reasons to abstain from intercourse as a teenager, and a relationship may run into problems if one person wants more physical intimacy than the other is ready for.

Peer Pressure

 Peer pressure can be a significant problem for teen love. If a girl's friends don't approve of the boy she likes, she may break off the relationship to preserve the friendships. If a boy is getting taunted by his friends because of his girlfriend, he might break up with her to fit in.

    This becomes even more of a problem with gay or lesbian teenagers. Even teens who have "come out" may find it difficult to openly date another teen. The nontraditional relationship may cause a lot of problems at school and with family members, as some people have a hard time accepting the different type of relationship.

Disapproval from Parents

Parental disapproval of teen relationships is very common, for a variety of reasons. Your parents may have concerns regarding whether or not you are truly ready to date or if the person you are interested in might not be a good influence. They may also not be ready to admit that their child is nearing adulthood. If you're dealing with this, try to discuss your feelings calmly with your parents. Listen to them and be ready to follow some rules about your relationship. If your parents forbid you from seeing the person, you should abide their wishes. You can still see your boyfriend or girlfriend at school and remain friends. If you stay friends until after you graduate, you can start dating again since you'll be old enough to make your own decisions. While this may hard to accept at first, but is meant  to be better for you.

Unrequited Love

Have you ever felt when you like someone but he/she doesn't feel like that way? It is a very common situation that arises among teens. Quite simply, unrequited love is unreciprocated attraction; the one you like secretly might not feel the same way about you. When it comes to matters of the heart, it can seem like your brain and heart do not speak the same language.  They can leave you in a maze of emotional confusion.  While you may understand that someone is not interested in you or is not right for you, your heart might lead you to languish over someone who does not want to be the recipient of your affection.  It can leave you feeling frustrated, deflated, broken and flush your self-esteem down the toilet.

If you are facing like the matter above, accepting the reality of the situation may be the most important and biggest step you can take when dealing with unrequited love. Another way to solve this problem is cutting off your communication with him or her. Cutting off communication means not talking or texting them, and deleting them from Facebook and Twitter.  You need them out of your life.  Along with cutting off communication with the unrequited love interest, you should also limit conversations about him/her with friends

The Fact Love in Teens

Everyone remembers their first love. Few experiences will ever be as intense and overwhelming as your first crush. When teenagers develop a sense of extraordinary closeness with another person, the experience has echoes of the close contact between mother and child in infancy. Falling in love as a teenager is more intense than the experience in adulthood. But these early relationships usually burn out quickly. One survey showed that at age 15, dating relationships last an average of only three to four months. Because they are still selfish so they always fight each other.

My Experience of Love

Love is familiar in this world, especially around the teenagers. Almost all of the teens are ever facing love with boyfriend or girlfriend. In other side, love is also has some problems. In this time I would like to share a problem in love that ever I faced before. When the first time I was in love with someone, my heart feel so happy and I couldn’t tell it with a word. That I know love is beauty. But little by little some problems came in my relation. My boy and I almost argued all day. Jealous is the most things that caused a fight between us. Once a while, I hate him when we both fought each other.  But my love is bigger than my hatred.  So, I always forgave him and gave a chance for him to fix himself to be better. But the chance that I gave abused by him. My heart was played by him, he had an affair with another woman behind me. And the finally, I broke up with him. Even though, he is my first love that so hard to forget I really don’t care. And in fact, I still live without him, and know I get a new boy who better than him. So, I conclude base on my experience before that the faithfulness is the most important thing in a relationship.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Danger Coronary Heart Disease

Do you know how dangerous the coronary heart disease? There are so many cases of death that caused by coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is  the most dangerous disease in whole the world because, coronary heart disease is the interruption of the flow of blood to the heart, which deprives the body of the oxygen it needs to function, this, unless treated quickly, often results in death. There are several factors of heart disease, such as smoking, bad cholesterol, uncontrolled hypertension or we can say as high blood pressure, obesity (the person who has more than 20% over one's ideal body weight), and the last uncontrolled stress and anger.

Making changes in your lifestyle is a proven method for reducing your risk of heart disease. These changes will certainly improve your health, there are some ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease, such as quit smoking, control high blood pressure, control diabetes, get active, eat right, manage stress, and the last but not least is achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Those ways are able to reduce your risks of heart disease. And I hope my post will be useful for the readers.


Do you know the kind of disease like the picture inside? We can call this disease as Smallpox. First, we should know about Smallpox. Smallpox is an acute, contagious, and sometimes fatal disease caused by an orthopoxvirus and marked by fever and a distinctive progressive skin rash. Smallpox normally spreads from contact with infected persons.

The symptoms of smallpox begin with high fever, head and body aches, and sometimes vomiting. A rash follows that spreads and progresses to raised bumps and pus-filled blisters that crust, scab, and fall off after about three weeks, leaving a pitted scar. Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine, even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox. The vaccine, such as intravenous fluids, medicine to control fever or pain and antibiotics for any secondary bacterial infections that may occur.

POLIO is Deadly Disease

Have you ever heard the deadly diseases like polio? Polio is deadly disease that has been popular in the whole world. Polio has caused sporadic paralysis and death for much of human. Polio is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease caused by a virus that spreads from person to person which entering through the mouth and multiplies inside the throat and intestines. The initial symptoms include fever, fatigue, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stiffness in the neck, and pain in the limbs. The virus persists in the throat for about a week, and it may be excreted—still infectious—in the feces for many weeks.
Polio can strike at any age, but affects mainly children under three years. Patients are most infectious from 7 to 10 days before and after the onset of symptoms, but remain contagious as long as the virus is present in the throat and feces. Unfortunately, there are no effective drugs to treat polio. Because polio has no cure, vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and the only way to stop the disease from spreading. So, with living healthy is a great way to prevent to any diseases especially deadly diseases.

Malaria can be a Deadly Disease

Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by a parasite that commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans. People who get malaria are typically very sick with high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like illness and the other symptoms of the disease. Although malaria can be a deadly disease, illness and death from malaria can usually be prevented.

Prevention is the area on which the maximum focus should be. There are safe, effective and affordable tools to prevent and treat malaria, such as mosquito nets and drugs. Steps to reduce the frequency of mosquito bites in endemic areas are important. You can uses of suitable clothing, insect repellents, bed nets etc. are recommended. Widespread use of the bed nets and repellents has been shown to reduce the incidence of malaria. And also must keep clean your areas especially your house. So, it can be preventing the mosquito to breed in your surroundings.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Effects of DIABETES

Diabetes is well known as the dangerous disease around the society. Diabetes is a serious, sometimes life-threatening disease. Over time it can affect every body part and may cause kidney damage, nerve damage, amputations and blindness. It also raises your risks for heart and blood vessel disease and stroke. In fact, at least 65% of people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke. People who have diabetes are twice more likely to develop heart disease than the rest of the population. High blood pressure and increased risk of stroke are also complications of diabetes. Diabetes can also put you at risk for infections. Foot infections, yeast infections, urinary tract infections and surgical site infections can present serious complications.

The good news is that diabetes can be managed and all these risks can be reduced. The best way to avoid this disease is by keep your blood sugar levels as close to normal range as possible with a combination of medication, diet and exercise can greatly reduce the risk for these terrible outcomes. As a bonus, an effective diabetes management lifestyle reduces risks for heart disease too.


The entire world has known what the Cancer is. Cancer has been popular as deadly disease. Cancer is a dangerous disease in which certain cells in our body grow in an uncontrolled way. It is one of the world’s most serious illnesses. Together with heart attacks it kills more people than any other disease in the world. Cells from malignant tumors can also spread to other parts of the body and produce more tumors. These malignant tumors are the ones that cause cancer and may even lead to death. Sometimes they enter the blood and lymphatic system.
There are many factors that cause cancer. Many forms of cancer are caused by our environment. For example, if you expose yourself to the sun’s rays without any protection for too long chances of getting skin cancer will become higher, smoking cigarettes also can cause lung cancer or other diseases over a certain time, being in close contact with chemicals may also increase the risk of getting cancer and being exposed to radiation for too long may also cause cancer.

In addition, there are the easiest way of preventing cancer, there are: protect your skin when you are in the sunshine by using skin cremes or lotion on your body, do not smoke, do not drink too much alcohol, eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, go to the doctor regularly for medical checkups, eat wholegrain breads or cereals. Let’s avoid to any diseases as early as possible.

Why AIDS is very dangerous?

There are some deadly diseases in this world. We must know and avoid to any dangerous diseases that threaten our lives. One of the dangerous diseases that popular in this world is AIDS. First of all, I would like to explain what HIV is. Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the human immune system. In the process of reproducing itself, it destroys the body's natural ability to fight off disease and other infections. HIV causes people to be more susceptible to disease. HIV leads to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Due to weakened immune systems, people infected with AIDS die from peripheral illnesses such as malaria, tuberculosis, or various STDS which would otherwise be treatable in non-HIV positive people.
The virus is spread through what doctors call "high-risk behaviors," which include things such as: having unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sexual intercourse ("unprotected" means not using a condom) and sharing needles, such as needles used to inject drugs, steroids, and other substances, or sharing needles used for tattooing. How do people know they have HIV? A person's immune system is overwhelmed by AIDS, he or she might notice like: extreme weakness or fatigue, rapid weight loss, frequent fevers that last for several weeks with no explanation, heavy sweating at night, swollen lymph glands, minor infections that cause skin rashes and mouth, genital, and anal sores, white spots in the mouth or throat, chronic diarrhea, a cough that won't go away, trouble remembering things, and for girls, severe vaginal yeast infections that don't respond to usual treatment.
We already know that HIV-AIDS is very dangerous disease in this world. Because right now there is no vaccine to prevent and cure HIV and AIDS. That’s why prevention is so important and we must keep our healthy. I hope my post today will be useful for the readers.