Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Climate Change

It’s getting hotter. Our climate is changing, so you’d better get used to it. It’s changing because of what we humans do and the gases we have put into the atmosphere. We have already put so much gas into the atmosphere, the climate will keep changing for a long, long time. Some of the changes may be good and some may be bad. But change is a near certainty.
We can slow it, but we can’t stop it for a long, long time. We have already made the greenhouse gas emissions that will keep the atmosphere changing for decades to come. If we could keep the world’s greenhouse gas emissions from growing, the temperature would continue to grow as fast as it is growing now. If we could cut emissions by half, the world would still keep getting hotter for hundred years more. But if we act soon, we can make sure the changes can be managed and kept a minimum, and we can adapt to them.

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