Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why AIDS is very dangerous?

There are some deadly diseases in this world. We must know and avoid to any dangerous diseases that threaten our lives. One of the dangerous diseases that popular in this world is AIDS. First of all, I would like to explain what HIV is. Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the human immune system. In the process of reproducing itself, it destroys the body's natural ability to fight off disease and other infections. HIV causes people to be more susceptible to disease. HIV leads to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Due to weakened immune systems, people infected with AIDS die from peripheral illnesses such as malaria, tuberculosis, or various STDS which would otherwise be treatable in non-HIV positive people.
The virus is spread through what doctors call "high-risk behaviors," which include things such as: having unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sexual intercourse ("unprotected" means not using a condom) and sharing needles, such as needles used to inject drugs, steroids, and other substances, or sharing needles used for tattooing. How do people know they have HIV? A person's immune system is overwhelmed by AIDS, he or she might notice like: extreme weakness or fatigue, rapid weight loss, frequent fevers that last for several weeks with no explanation, heavy sweating at night, swollen lymph glands, minor infections that cause skin rashes and mouth, genital, and anal sores, white spots in the mouth or throat, chronic diarrhea, a cough that won't go away, trouble remembering things, and for girls, severe vaginal yeast infections that don't respond to usual treatment.
We already know that HIV-AIDS is very dangerous disease in this world. Because right now there is no vaccine to prevent and cure HIV and AIDS. That’s why prevention is so important and we must keep our healthy. I hope my post today will be useful for the readers.

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